How can museums engage visitors with innovative technologies?

Through groundbreaking innovation, museums are undergoing a revolution, completely reshaping visitor engagement.

Virtual tour of the museum's exhibitions, using augmented reality app
When we talk about innovative technologies in museums, we probably first think about the use of mobile applications in exhibitions, touch screens, projections, or info terminals. All these solutions undoubtedly provide their unique interactivity, regardless of the option chosen. However, our ultimate goal should always remain the same – to engage the visitor and make them come back again, captivating their attention with innovative solutions in exhibition spaces and ideas that make them feel unique.

Sense of Unexpectedness

The technologies encountered by visitors in museums are designed not only to facilitate certain visitation processes or provide broader content possibilities but also to make their journeys more interesting, engaging, intriguing, educational, or informative. When creating interactive experiences, our decisions always aim to evoke emotions in users – joy, wonder, interest, admiration, to achieve the so-called "WOW" factor. Especially when visitors do not expect it. This can be achieved by activating, dimming, or changing lights when a person passes through a specific area, using motion sensors. Various sounds, scents, or visuals appear when pressing a button or even just opening doors. For example, one possible solution is interactive floors that create a sense of unexpectedness when visuals appear right beneath our feet, like tectonic plates or lava. This technology opens the door to a limitless variety of choices – educational games, visual enhancements, or supplementary exhibitions. Additionally, in some cases, projections can transform an empty room into a completely different world, further enhancing the immersive experience when combined with interactive walls and floors, making visitors feel like they are in an entirely different place.

Enhanced Education

When visitors can interact, touch, and manipulate exhibits, it helps them better understand the provided information. Such engaging experiences are more easily remembered than standard reading or listening methods. By using innovative technologies, visitors can solve problems and explore various tasks, which enables them to learn by doing, promoting a deeper understanding of history, culture, prominent figures of that time, and so on. Interactive education can also be individually tailored to each person's interests and needs, allowing them to explore topics at their own pace and in a way that suits their learning style. This personalized learning method can create a stronger connection with the subject matter and increase engagement. Solutions can vary, such as touch screens or interactive walls (projections) with interactive gaming installations, interactive maps, or various puzzles. Such education is a unique and effective way to educate visitors in museums, providing a more engaging, immersive, and personalised learning experience. With the help of innovative technologies and interactive elements in exhibitions, museums can improve understanding of the subject, increase engagement, and foster a love for learning.

Individualised Dynamic Content

Interactive exhibits in museums are a great way to engage visitors, but creating exhibits that are accessible and enjoyable for people of different ages can be challenging. Solutions should incorporate various interactive elements that cater to different learning styles and levels of cognitive development. For example, aspects of physical activity, problem-solving skills, or creative thinking in the exhibition can be an excellent way to engage young visitors, while adults may find exhibits with detailed information, touch screens, or interactive 3D visualisations more appealing. By using innovative technologies tailored to different age groups, it is essential to consider the needs and interests of individuals and then strive to create a memorable interactive educational experience for all.

Benefits for Groups

Museums often host groups of people, such as school classes or tour groups, whose expectations and interests may vary. To make interactive exhibits more beneficial, museums should design experiences that encourage the participation and collaboration of at least two or more people. For example, exhibitions involving group activities, such as games, simulations, or interactive tasks, can promote teamwork and communication, leading to increased interest in the content presented through enjoyable and educational means. Additionally, exhibits with interactive elements that allow personal exploration and discovery can be adapted for group activities, providing clear instructions and freedom for participants to discuss and explore ideas together. If museums want to observe and work with visitors, they can also combine technologies with competent museum staff or educators who can help groups better understand the content, delve into the decision-making process, and establish mutual connections. By incorporating interactive exhibits into their daily activities, museums can create engaging and memorable experiences, promote social interaction, and improve educational outcomes.


Gamification is an increasingly popular method of using innovative technologies in museums, where exhibit design incorporates game-like elements. By using aspects like points, rewards, competition, and progress, museums can create a more interesting and engaging visitor experience. For instance, solutions may require visitors to solve puzzles or complete tasks to access further information or receive rewards. Through gamification, visitors can be motivated to explore the exhibition more thoroughly and spend more time in the museum as they are encouraged to complete tasks and achieve goals. Moreover, it can make complex or abstract concepts more accessible and appealing, as they can be presented interactively and tangibly. The use of these educational methods in interactive exhibitions is a promising museum strategy that enhances visitor engagement, improves learning outcomes, and creates more memorable and enjoyable experiences.

Gross Motor Skills

Gross motor skills involve using large muscle groups, physical strength, static and dynamic balance, and coordination. Engaging in various exercises helps develop a sense of rhythm, speech comprehension, the ability to coordinate actions, and attention, activating visual and auditory perception, thinking, orientation, and more. Movement is a crucial aspect of human development from birth. Therefore, some interactive solutions that encourage movement make it easier for children to interact with the environment, enhance the learning of rules, create social bonds, develop orientation skills, and acquire new abilities. In individual cases, using interactive solutions that involve gross motor skills can evoke associations with visitors' childhood, hobbies, or memories, further increasing their interest in these innovative technologies and content, which captivates their attention.


Gradually, interactive technologies are changing the visitor experience in museums. By creating engaging and modern exhibitions in their spaces, museums can educate and entertain simultaneously, in ways that were previously impossible. The opportunities to provide unique and digital experiences – from touch screens and augmented or virtual reality solutions – are truly limitless and increasingly appealing to the younger generation.
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