Virtual museum tour - "Knygnesiu Keliu"

Virtual museum tour, created to enhance visitor experiences in a new immersive and interactive way, without the help of museum staff.

The Client

The unique and the only one in Lithuania Book Carriers Museum is located in the picturesque surroundings of Krekenava, in the barn of a farmstead. In the 19th century, Garšviai book carriers used to gather in this place, and forbidden press was also hidden here. The barn is also connected with the life and activities of the writer and educator J. Tumas-Vaižgantas. An exposition in his memory was set up in 1987-1991. This place perfectly reflects the atmosphere of that time, inviting both young and old to spend time in its surroundings, surrounded by nature.

The Problem

The client needed a creative and innovative way to attract more visitors, as well as help with the concept ideas for interactive experiences that would allow the history of the museum to be more immersive. This way it would open up the possibility to see it from a different and more interesting angle. At the same time, providing more information about the famous personalities of that region. The museum has also been looking for a way to modernize and create interactions with the exposition. Additionally, to extend visitor's journey even further by allowing them to explore the interior and exterior of the barn, as well as to create an immersive sense of discovery in the exploration of its surroundings. All this had to be accessible to the individual visitor, who could enjoy all these interactive experiences without the help of a museum staff.

The Solution

We found a solution based on the client's needs. We created a virtual tour for the museum, a game in the form of a mobile application - "Knygnešių Keliu". This became an opportunity for museum visitors to feel like real book carriers of that time and to involve them in this role, while at the same time individually introducing and intriguing each user with the realities of the work of a book carrier in Panevėžys region.

Visitors can find a QR code at the entrance door of the barn, which starts the journey. The game starts with a short introductory story about how the player becomes a book carrier and today is his first mission. After choosing the right items for the journey and packing them in your bag, all you have to do is to get ready for your first trip. Our team has designed the game in such a way that depending on the items the player chooses at the beginning, this will determine the events that will take place in the course of his journey.

The game encourages users to visit not only the inside of the barn, but also the entire outdoor area of the museum. Within these environments, participants are invited to explore and solve interactive puzzles and engaging tasks. Such as choosing the right way to cross back over the wall and where to hide the books during the journey, or that the gendarmes might be coming down the road and you need to hide, by choosing the right hiding place. The game also develops the main story line of the player running and hiding from the gendarmes and avoiding encounters with them in every possible way, which adds to the charm, breathtaking action and emotion of the experience.

The main goal of the game is to preserve Lithuanian identity by carrying the books through a dangerous journey and hiding them in the original hiding place, where the real book carriers of the time hid.


Together with the Book Carriers Museum, we are extremely pleased to have created an engaging and attractive solution for the younger generation of visitors. This will allow them to better understand the importance of the book carriers for Lithuania at that time and how important they were for the formation of our country. We believe that this will help to improve the museum's education, attract new visitors and guests who will be able to experience the true path of a book carrier and learn about the history of the country without the help of a museum staff. We are proud to have the opportunity to collaborate with Lithuanian museums in the development of interactive solutions, with the common goals of modernization and digitization of the exhibition, which also contributes to the promotion and preservation of history and heritage.
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