An Interactive, educational game “Ethnographic Treasury” for Raseiniai Museum

A touch-based, interactive game for young and old at the Raseiniai Museum

interactive, educational game

The Client

Raseiniai museum is a contemporary museum, nestled in a renovated prison building. With a focus on today’s historians and art lovers, the organization is a space where people of all ages are invited to spend their afternoons learning the history of the region, discussing art and architecture, and interactively educating themselves about the impact of history for today’s society. Besides interactive exhibitions, art shows, and educational activities, the museum is also a place for various seminars and lectures. We are proud to have been selected to enhance one of their exhibitions.

The Problem

Despite all of the activities and exhibitions organized, the museum is facing low attendance numbers and low engagement rates of those who attend, especially when it comes to children. They needed a solution to help spruce up their exhibitions and gain the attention of the museum visitors as well as locals and guests of the city.

The Solution - Interactive, Educational Game

To help solve the problem, the Raseiniai museum has chosen us as their trusted partners. As a company providing interactive, custom made digital solutions, we were happy to help. Together with the museum, we planned and produced a touch-based, interactive game “Ethnographic Treasury”. The goal of the game is to introduce the visitors of the museum to the local trades, such as blacksmithing, beekeeping, carpentry, weaving, and pottery in an engaging way. To achieve that goal, we decided that it would be best to turn the visitor of the museum into the main character of the game. Our creative team put their heads together and produced the game as a human-sized projection on the wall. Once the projection is live, the visitors then can step into the game and visit different farmsteads, learn how to make tools, collect honey, or even weave linen - all with the help of only their arms and movements!


We believe that the game will increase the engagement levels of the museum visitors, young and old, as well as attract new visitors: locals and guests of the city. We are extremely proud to be able to cooperate with museums across the country and help them achieve their goals.