Indeform, Ltd. implements EU - funded project "Enhancing children's physical activity and health through modern technology."
The posture of preschool-aged children is one of the disorders of the musculoskeletal system, a relevant societal issue, as posture develops during the preschool period and, considering the peculiarities of fine motor skills, it is possible to ensure optimal movement function promptly. In 2019, UAB "Indeform", together with scientists from Kaunas University of Technology, conducted a study to reveal the risk factors influencing the formation of incorrect posture in 5-7-year-old children. The results showed that in the city of Kaunas, 64.6% of preschool-aged children who were proactively examined had spinal disorders. Reviewing the indicators of the health and physical fitness of Lithuanian children and adolescents over the past twenty years, it has been observed that many students' aspects of physical fitness have deteriorated.
To address the issue of incorrect posture in preschool-aged children, UAB "Indeform" is implementing the project "Enhancing children's physical activity and health through modern technology." The start date of the project is 2023.07.01, the end date is 2024.12.30, and its value is 108715,66 Euros. The project is partially funded by Sports support funds.
The goal of the project is to promote children's physical activity through interactive means. The project will increase the physical activity of preschool children through the use of modern technology - a platform with 10 animated educational games, combined with a set of physical exercises designed to address specific postural problems and musculoskeletal disorders. It is planned that at least 400 children from remote regions of Lithuania will participate in the physical activity initiative. When selecting preschool education institutions – kindergartens, significant attention will be given to creating opportunities for children with fewer possibilities due to certain limitations to participate in the physical activity initiative. Through the publicity of the project activities, the public will be introduced to a new, innovative product in the market for promoting children's physical activity and the opportunities it provides: acquiring new knowledge that children's engagement in physical activity and motivation can be encouraged through acceptable interactive means, achieving significant results in preventing the formation of incorrect posture and related health issues role in the modernization of the education sphere.
To address the issue of incorrect posture in preschool-aged children, UAB "Indeform" is implementing the project "Enhancing children's physical activity and health through modern technology." The start date of the project is 2023.07.01, the end date is 2024.12.30, and its value is 108715,66 Euros. The project is partially funded by Sports support funds.
The goal of the project is to promote children's physical activity through interactive means. The project will increase the physical activity of preschool children through the use of modern technology - a platform with 10 animated educational games, combined with a set of physical exercises designed to address specific postural problems and musculoskeletal disorders. It is planned that at least 400 children from remote regions of Lithuania will participate in the physical activity initiative. When selecting preschool education institutions – kindergartens, significant attention will be given to creating opportunities for children with fewer possibilities due to certain limitations to participate in the physical activity initiative. Through the publicity of the project activities, the public will be introduced to a new, innovative product in the market for promoting children's physical activity and the opportunities it provides: acquiring new knowledge that children's engagement in physical activity and motivation can be encouraged through acceptable interactive means, achieving significant results in preventing the formation of incorrect posture and related health issues role in the modernization of the education sphere.

Indeform Ltd implements EU – funded project "Development of new digital products of Indeform Ltd, investing in the infrastructure necessary for the development of CCI products
In most Lithuanian, especially regional museums, still morally outdated expositions prevail, which are not interesting and attractive for today's visitors of the modern technological age – a preschool children, schoolchildren and young people.
During the implementation of project "Development of new digital products of Indeform Ltd, investing in the infrastructure necessary for the development of CCI products" No. 13.1.1-LVPA-K-309-01-0019 the company seeks to acquire computer and technical equipment that will allow the creation of modern, interactive, gamification-enriched products for museums, tourism centers and other cultural institutions or events as well as modern, innovative and interactive means and content to renew and supplement the morally outdated expositions or events of museums, tourism and cultural centers.
The duration of the project is 13 months.
The value of the project is 145,335.00 EUR. The amount of funding for the project – 101,734.50 EUR. The project is partially financed by the European Regional Development Fund, according to the European Union response to the COVID-19 pandemic measure No. 13.1.1- LVPA-K-309 "Incentives to improve the infrastructure of cultural and creative industry companies".
By applying modern, interactive, gamified digital content presentation solutions, conveyed through individual and group experiences, the computer and technical equipment purchased during the implementation of the project will allow to create and offer technically innovative platforms for museums, cultural and educational institutions, helping to manage interactive spaces, which will consist of individual virtual reality experience zones and 360 experience zones which will be created with the help of projections and interactive expositions controlled on the base of the visitors' profile.
The project will contribute to the political area "Culture - Culture and creative sectors" of the action plan of the Baltic Sea region of the European Union. Because of that, with the help of digital technologies, activities of a cultural and creative nature will be actively developed, on the basis of which innovative and competitive products with large additional value will be created. That will directly increase the international competitiveness of both the company and the Lithuanian economy, and at the same time the Baltic Sea region.
During the implementation of project "Development of new digital products of Indeform Ltd, investing in the infrastructure necessary for the development of CCI products" No. 13.1.1-LVPA-K-309-01-0019 the company seeks to acquire computer and technical equipment that will allow the creation of modern, interactive, gamification-enriched products for museums, tourism centers and other cultural institutions or events as well as modern, innovative and interactive means and content to renew and supplement the morally outdated expositions or events of museums, tourism and cultural centers.
The duration of the project is 13 months.
The value of the project is 145,335.00 EUR. The amount of funding for the project – 101,734.50 EUR. The project is partially financed by the European Regional Development Fund, according to the European Union response to the COVID-19 pandemic measure No. 13.1.1- LVPA-K-309 "Incentives to improve the infrastructure of cultural and creative industry companies".
By applying modern, interactive, gamified digital content presentation solutions, conveyed through individual and group experiences, the computer and technical equipment purchased during the implementation of the project will allow to create and offer technically innovative platforms for museums, cultural and educational institutions, helping to manage interactive spaces, which will consist of individual virtual reality experience zones and 360 experience zones which will be created with the help of projections and interactive expositions controlled on the base of the visitors' profile.
The project will contribute to the political area "Culture - Culture and creative sectors" of the action plan of the Baltic Sea region of the European Union. Because of that, with the help of digital technologies, activities of a cultural and creative nature will be actively developed, on the basis of which innovative and competitive products with large additional value will be created. That will directly increase the international competitiveness of both the company and the Lithuanian economy, and at the same time the Baltic Sea region.

Indeform, Ltd. implements EU - funded project "Creation of Interactive Educational Platform for the Promotion of Children's Health"
The posture of preschool children is a relevant social problem and sight of the growing interest of researchers (Steel et al., 2003). As posture is formed during the preschool period, taking into account the peculiarities of fine motor skills, optimal movement function can be ensured in a timely manner (Rodger et al., 2010 ). Musculoskeletal disorders are a particular problem and are commonly found across children aged 5 to 7 years (Daniuseviciute-Brazaite, 2019). Many researchers believe that children of this age should have targeted physiotherapy programs as a preventative measure - to prevent posture and fine motor disorders (Dobbins et al., 2009).
In order to solve the problem of irregular posture of the preschool children, Indeform, UAB implements the project "Creation of Interactive Educational Platform for the Promotion of Children's Health". The project duration is 24 months, project value - 249912,079 EUR. The project is co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund as EU response to the COVID-19 pandemic.
The goal of the project is to create a platform of interactive educational games (game programs) to promote physical activity of children through the combination of simple and complex movements into 10 animated exercise programs. According to researchers, the world of interactive video games is an effective tool for being physically active (Macanovic et al., 2010). Persons can be physically active through the animated games by dancing, fighting, meditating, driving a boat or saving the world (Trout, 2007). The platform of interactive educational games created by Indeform, UAB will be attractive for coaches, PE teachers, physiotherapists, fitness club instructors or individuals as a unique and creative way of teaching or prevention. The interactive education platform will help to organize non-formal physical education more effectively. It will provide guidelines for responsible institutions on how to purposefully form physical activity promotion policies and improve child health indicators for preschool children, carry out science-based interventions, apply effective health-promoting educational programs, guide educators, parents, and non-formal physical education professionals.
In order to solve the problem of irregular posture of the preschool children, Indeform, UAB implements the project "Creation of Interactive Educational Platform for the Promotion of Children's Health". The project duration is 24 months, project value - 249912,079 EUR. The project is co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund as EU response to the COVID-19 pandemic.
The goal of the project is to create a platform of interactive educational games (game programs) to promote physical activity of children through the combination of simple and complex movements into 10 animated exercise programs. According to researchers, the world of interactive video games is an effective tool for being physically active (Macanovic et al., 2010). Persons can be physically active through the animated games by dancing, fighting, meditating, driving a boat or saving the world (Trout, 2007). The platform of interactive educational games created by Indeform, UAB will be attractive for coaches, PE teachers, physiotherapists, fitness club instructors or individuals as a unique and creative way of teaching or prevention. The interactive education platform will help to organize non-formal physical education more effectively. It will provide guidelines for responsible institutions on how to purposefully form physical activity promotion policies and improve child health indicators for preschool children, carry out science-based interventions, apply effective health-promoting educational programs, guide educators, parents, and non-formal physical education professionals.